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      • 公司名稱深圳市社保電子技術有限公司
      • 品       牌
      • 型       號
      • 所  在  地深圳市
      • 廠商性質經銷商
      • 更新時間2024/12/10 8:10:30
      • 訪問次數3

      在線詢價收藏產品 點擊查看電話

      聯系我們時請說明是 智能制造網 上看到的信息,謝謝!

      深圳市社保電子技術有限公司成立于2000年,是經國家批準的專業從事防雷元器件及防雷、防浪涌、過電壓保護器成品(SPD)等產品的開發、生產與銷售為一體的高科技企業。 公司自成立以來,始終堅持“技術為本,產品立身、信譽為證、創新立業”的宗旨。專注于防雷事業,力爭為防雷業做點實事。公司擁有一批專業的技術人才和不斷創新的業務精英,管理、營銷理念*。陶瓷放電管、金屬氣體放電管、半導體放電管、玻封放電管等已贏得市場的廣泛關注。2003年又與日本七久保精密工業公司合作,推出新一代防雷器系列(SPD)高科技產品,獲得用戶的*好評。產品應用于ADSL、CABLE、MODEM、CATV、CTI、POS、IC卡、電話機等RJ11接口通訊設備的保護;遠程秒表系統、智能停車場收費系統、智能控制系統、智能遠傳水表/電表/燃氣表、對講門鈴、門禁、監控系統等RS485、RS232、RS422等通訊數據端口保護;以太網交換機/光端機等RJ45接口網絡設備的靜電保護、M-BUS總線保護;電信設備E1/T1通訊端口雷擊浪涌保護;電源及家用電器產品、儀器儀表機械/高速公路鐵路、電力、移動基站等交、直流電源雷擊浪涌保護。 深圳市社保電子技術有限公司的全體員工把“客戶的成功就是我們的成長”作為企業的信念。真誠地為客戶著想,從點滴做起。歡迎廣大客戶垂詢!
      半導體放電管(DO-214) 產品信息
      .......................................................DO-214 SIDACtor Data........................................................................
      The DO-214 SIDACtor is a solid state protection device designed for telecommunications applications such as modems,
      line cards, fax machines, etc.
      The SIDACtor is used to help equipment meet various regulatory requirements including: GR 1089, ITU K.20 & K.21,
       IEC 950, UL 1459 & 1950 and FCC Part68.
      Part Number* VDRM Volts VS Volts VT Volts IDRM µAmps IS mAmps IT Amps IH mAmps CO PF
      P0080S_ 6 25 5 5 800 1 50 100
      P0300S_ 25 40 5 5 800 1 50 110
      P0640S_ 58 77 5 5 800 1 150 50
      P0720S_ 65 88 5 5 800 1 150 50
      P0900S_ 75 98 5 5 800 1 150 50
      P1100S_ 90 130 5 5 800 1 150 40
      P1300S_ 120 160 5 5 800 1 150 40
      P1500S_ 140 180 5 5 800 1 150 40
      P1800S_ 160 220 5 5 800 1 150 30
      P2300S_ 190 260 5 5 800 1 150 30
      P2600S_ 220 300 5 5 800 1 150 30
      P3100S_ 275 350 5 5 800 1 150 30
      P3500S_ 320 400 5 5 800 1 150 30
      * For individual “SA”, “SB” and “SC” surge ratings, see table below.
      ●All measurements are made at an ambient temperature of 25°C. IPP applies to -40°C through +85°C temperature range.
      ●IPP is a repetitive surge rating and is guaranteed for the life of the product.
      ●Listed SIDACtors are bi-directional. All electrical parameters & surge ratings apply to forward and reverse polarities.
      ●VDRM is measured at IDRM.
      ●VS is measured at 100V/µs.
      ●Special voltage (VS & VDRM) and holding current (IH) requirements are available upon request.
      ●Off-state capacitance is measured at 1MHz with a 2 volt bias and is a typical value for “SA” and “SB” product. “SC”
      ●capacitance is approximately 2x the listed value.
      ●The off-state capacitance of the P0080SB is equal to our “SC” device.
      Surge Ratings
      Series IPP 2x10µs Amps IPP 8x20µs Amps IPP 10x160µs Amps IPP 10x560µs Amps IPP 10x1000µs Amps ITSM 60Hz Amps dI/dt Amps/µs
      A   150 100 50 50 20 500
      B   250 150 100   30 500
      C 500 400 200   100 60 500
      .................................................................................Thermal Considerations.....................................................................................
      Package Symbol Parameter Value Unit
        Tj Junction Temperature Range -40 to +150 °C
        Ts Storage Temperature Range -65 to +150 °C
      DO-214 Tc Maximum Case Temperature +75 °C
      Rθjc Thermal Resistance: junction to case +28 °C/W
      Rθja Thermal Resistance: junction to ambient +90 °C/W
      .............................................................Package Dimensions...................................................................

      ....................................................................... Characteristic Curve.........................................................
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